Sekoixa & Fernando
Sekoixa & Fernando

Sekoixa Gonzalez
Fernando Rubio

December 27th 2024
Hāmākua Coast The Big Island, Hawaii
66 Days Ago

How They Met: He messaged her and asked her out on a date after asking dozens of questions to get to know her.  

Their First Date: Easter Sunday at a Brazilian Steakhouse. All his idea and all she can eat. 

The Proposal: July 28, 2024. It was raining and he asked her to marry him after they spent a day at Your 3rd Spot in Atlanta. 

They enjoy hiking, window shopping and watching films together. They enjoy discovering new places to explore and opportunities to learn. They both really love pizza, and yes, they enjoy having pineapple on their pizza too. They both have black belts in MMA. They love spending time at the gym together. Most importantly, they aim to show love to those around them.